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California Historical Resources Database Version 1.0 (CHRID 1.0)


CHRID 1.0 was developed by CF Webtools through a joint grant from OHP and the cities of Ontario and Sacramento California.




Public Facing Search - A home page allowing the public to search Items that are publicly not restricted and have been finalized.
Data Import - You can import your existing Access CHRID directly into the online version.
Secure Toolkit - Administrative tasks are all permission based and configurable.
Approval Work Flow - User with permissions can add new resources and forms and then submit them for approval CHRID admin can approve the resources as appropriate and flag them for public view and upstream view.
Web Service Hierarchy - Version 1.0 includes support for a star topology of stand alone Certified Local Government (CLG) installations of CHRID that are capable of interacting with a master database (OHP) through a service registry.  Data can be automatically ported "upstream" to the master database for review.
API Access - All the functions for Adding, Editing, Approving and Searching the CHRID system are available as Web services through an API. You can use them to create additional tools and utilities for other platforms and languages.
Granular Security - Using groups you can narrowly define the roles of uses so that they can only work with a subset of Forms. For example, you could define a group for adding Mills Act only.
Data Entry Wizard - Using the data entry wizard you can create a new resource and add any supported forms as a single event or set of steps.
Support for All Standard OHP Resource Forms - see the matrix below

Supported Forms and Data Entities

DPR Forms

Other Forms

Local Forms


Section 106

Local Designation


National Register

Local Research


California Register

Mills Act


Design Review






Architectural Fields



Maps Photos Docs











               Additional information regarding the authorized forms may be found at the OHP website.


Advanced Searching - The online version of CHRID allows you to search for records by property features, address, keyword, district, Context and Survey.
Advanced PDF/Print Interface - The print wizard allows you to single forms or groups of forms with a cover sheet. The result of the wizard is a PDF file that can be saved or printed.
Easy Data Management - Authors and Submitters see a straightforward list of forms waiting for them to submit or approve. Straightforward Data Editing Utilities allow CHRID Administrators to manage staff, users, groups, Codes, Context, Surveys etc.
Advanced Reporting and Form Builder - Using the advanced reporting engine CHRID Report Administrators can create reports, create filter criteria forms, link reports together and make the available to public users, toolkit users or admin only users.


Coming in Version 2


CHRID V.2 is in the works. It will include a vector interface using ArcIMS to allow a search and drill down by map location. Other features and enhancements to following.