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Pending Submission

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After Authoring a form or record you are not quite done. If you are satisfied that the form or record contains the information necessary and it is accurate and current, you are ready to "submit for approval".  You will see your new record on the "pending submission" screen.



You can submit an entire group of forms that are all attached to 1 location using the "submit documents as group" button. You can also submit individual forms using the the go buttons at the right.


Check Boxes - There are 3 check boxes to the right of each document.

Submit - If you are submitting documents as a group and you un-check this box that particular document will not be submitted along with the group.

Public - If you believe this item should be available for public view, leave this box checked, otherwise un-check it. Keep in mind that the item will not yet be viewable. It must first be approved. The Approval Administrator has the final say over whether or not the record is searchable on the public interface.

OHP - If you believe that OHP (the state Office of Historic Preservation) should have access to this record check the OHP box. Keep in mind that OHP will not yet be able to retrieve the record. It must first be approved by the Approval Administrator.


Once a record is submitted for approval it must be approved by the Approval Administrator.