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Config.ini File Settings

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The next Step is to Change the Application variable settings for the server.


Open the <com root>\toolkit\config.ini file in Notepad or another editor.  You should see something like this.



TypeOfDataGeneral=Architectural Fields,Env. Review 106,Local Designation,Design Review,Mills Act,Local Research,Grants,Maps/Photo/Docs


[data] section

AdminDSN - This is the datasource set up in the CF admin that contains the tables used for user permissions. It is usually the same as the "dataDsn".
dataDSN - The alias for the main datasource you created in the CF administrator. In other words, if you created a DSN called "ontarioCRD" this line should read "dataDSN=ontarioCRD". The default is CHRID.
stagingDSN - The alias for the staging datasource you created. This only applies to sites that are intending on importing data from an existing CHRID Access Database.
ClientDsn - Unless otherwise instructed this should be the same as the DataDsn.
ProxyDb - This is a DSN set up in the CF admin to any Access Database.  The application will use this DSN as a "proxy" to export data out of an existing Access based CHRID Database.
StagingDBName - This is the actual name of the staging database that you specified when you created it using Enterprise manager (EM). It is used by the system in queries that pull directly from the staging database to update the live database. This item is often the same as the "stagingDSN"  but it does not have to be. You can find the database name by looking at the properties in the CF Admin or by looking in Enterprise manager under "databases".

CF ADministratore Settings
CF ADministratore Settings



MS SQL Enterprise Manager
MS SQL Enterprise Manager

dataDBName - This is the actual name of the live data Database that you specified when you created it using Enterprise manager. See instructions under "stagingDBName on how to determine this item.
Sitepassword - This password is used by OHP to retrieve data from the site. In order to integrate with OHP your site must be registered allong with this password on Chridnet. OHP's system uses the site registry to retrieve records for processing.


[paths] section

This section contains paths to various important folders in the application. If all of these documents are to be stored beneath the root of the site then the first item "SiteRootPath" is the only one you need to set.

SiteRootPath (required) - This is the root of the site. It will read something like "c:\inetpub\wwwdocs".
tmpImages - If left blank this path will be set to the siteRootPath + "\upload\". This is the location to copy the pool of images for the data migration.  See the section on migrating your existing CHRID database.
Root (optional) - The "root" is for the CF mapping if you choose to use something other than "com". This would occur on an existing server if you already have a mapping to "com".  See the section on Coldfusion Mapping for more details. Leave blank to accept the default ("com").
DocPath (optional) - The default path for uploaded documents. If you wish to store your documents away from the root of the site (i.e. on a SAN or external array) you may do so, but you will need to add a virtual mapping in IIS or Apache to "docs". Leave blank to accept the default path (<siteroot>\docs).
uploadPath (optional) - This is the directory for files that are uploaded (non image files). Leave plank to accept the default (<siteroot>\uploads).
imgDir (optional) - This is the path to the images that are uploaded as a part of a resource. This folder will contain 2 important sub-folders - photos and maps. If you choose to use a different drive or folder for the images and maps you will need a folder that these 2 sub-folders. If you do not, file uploads that are part of the form will fail. Keep in mind, if you move your file directory off of the "site root" you will need a virtual mapping in IIS or Apache to domain/images. For example, if your domain was "" you would need to add a virtual mapping to

       note: Moving your files to a SAN or external array is conceivable and sometimes necessary. The pool of files can get quite large.

[lists] section

This section is used programmatically by the system to create forms and display templates. Do not alter this section unless directed to do so.