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Configure Application

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There are 2 main components for you to configure.

Web Server and Environment

First, you should configure the Web server and in particular the Coldfusion Server. This includes Installing Coldfusion MX 7, fine tuning the JVM, and Creating CF mappings.


Application Settings

After getting the production environment set up you have to gather enough information to configure the INI file. Among the questions you should be asking:


1.Am I going to store files under the application root - Your maps, docs and photos can be stored on a SAN or external array, or even a separate local drive. But you will need to know the path you intend to use.
2.Am I going to be importing more 1 or more MS Access databases - A great deal of preparation is necessary for the import.
3.Do I have 2 SQL databases ready for use - If you are importing data, the system requires 2 datasources. If not, the system only requires a single SQL datasource. Remember, you will need to know the names of the actual database, not just the aliased DSNs.