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Installing Coldfusion MX

Coldfusion MX is a Java based web scripting engine that runs on top of a Java Application Server. The standard edition of Coldfusion MX (as of Sep. 2005) comes with JRUN 4 as the Application server running the Sun 1.04.03 JVM. You can purchase and download Coldfusion MX directly from Macromedia. The following steps are for Coldfusion MX 7.0 standard. If you are using the J2EE or enterprise edition your steps will be different. Consult the installation Guide for more details on the specifics of installing Coldfusion MX.


Installing CHRID

Open the zip file with the accompanying code and unzip it into the root directory of the web site, or a directory accessible from the web on the server. Note: one of the "default documents" listed for the site you create should be "index.cfm".



Application Root - Refers to the File path and location holding all of the CHRID source files.

dbimport Folder - A special folder off of the application root called /dbimport. It contains resources for configuring the database.

File, Map, Image or Doc Root - Refers to the web accessible directory for resolving images, files, or documents.

File, Map, Image or Doc Root - Refers to the physical path (UNC or Drive letter) holding the uploaded images, files or documents.

DataDSN - Refers to the main datasource on the SQL server.

StagingDSN - Refers to the staging datasource use for importing data from the Access version of CHRID.

ProxyDB - Refers to the blank Access datasource used as a connectionless proxy for importing from an upload Access DB.

Application Variable - Refers to application level variables set by editing the INI file in the com root.

Com Root - Refers to the directory (<applicationroot>/com/ is the default) holding the components used by the application suite.

API Root - refers to the CF mapping created to allow API access to components.