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Import to New Schema

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This final step gives you some options.


Status - You can import all records as "Finalized" or "Submitted".  If they are entered as finalized they will be immediately available to all viewers (based on the restricted flag).  If they are entered as "submitted" an administrator will need to "approve" the records before they are live.

Truncate Existing Tables - This options cleans out all the data from the live database and replaces it with the Access Data. This can be useful if you want a "clean install" with no records remaining from testing or a previous installation.

Lookup Tables - Most of the drop down boxes, check boxes and radio buttons in CHRID come from a "lookup" table. There are several lookup tables containing default choices for the dizzying array of forms in CHRID. CF Webtools keeps a database of the lookup tables that is up to date. If you choose to "populate" lookup tables the import routine will refresh the lookups with the "current" live database of lookups. This should only be done on the initial installation. Doing after there is already data imported can result in orphaned records.

When you are satisfied with your choices click on the import button. You should see indications of your progress to the right of the form.

When the process indicates that it is finished login to the system and check out the data to make sure the import is accurate.