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Starting From Scratch

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If you have an existing CHRID Access Database that you want to import you will need to install a total of 3 datasources. After you finish your import, if you have no further need for it, you may delete the "staging" database and the access database.


If you plan on Using the Data Import

Step 1 - Add 2 databases to your SQL server and create a username with dbo access to both of them.

Main Database - This is the database where you intend for your live data to be stored.
Staging Database - This is the database that will house the Access File based data to be manipulated. This is a necessary step because the schema has changed quite dramatically.

Step 2 - Add 3 Datasources to the Coldfusion Administrator.

1.DataDSN (MS SQL)- This datasource should be directed to the main database (from step 1).