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DPR523F - Milling Station Record

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A complete description of all the DPR forms is available online at this address.

The OHP Manual describes the 523F Form as:

The Milling Station Record may be used to provide a detailed record of one or more bedrock milling

stations and any associated artifacts. A bedrock milling station is defined as a non-portable bedrock outcrop

or boulder with surfaces and/or depressions ground into it for purposes of milling. The Milling Station

Record is an optional form. It is designed to supplement the information in an Archaeological Site Record,

not to eliminate the need for its preparation. Professional surveys conducted in advance of development

activities should generally prepare a Primary Record, Location Map, and Archaeological Site Record when a

site with a milling station(s) is encountered. Additional information can then be collected on a Milling

Station Record if desirable.


The Milling station form includes an interactive "grid" that allows you to enter multiple items directly into a table.


Header Information - This includes the Primary #  and the Trinomial #. These are pre-populated (if available) from the root resource record. A box allows you to indicate the resource name or number (this is pre-populated as well) and a drop down box to select the evaluator (and the date evaluated).


Milling Station Outcrops and Features - This is a grid allowing you to type directly into the cells - similar to an Excel Spreadsheet. Each outcrop should be entered with it's dimensions and description. Each Feature may include the surface, type description and dimensions. At the bottom of this form there is a "key" that allows you to enter the appropriate "types".

The insert button allows you to insert a new row into the grid - it does not save your data. It only manipulates the number of rows in the grid. The same is true of the "delete" button. It allows you to remove a highlighted row. It does not remove the record itself.