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DPR523H - Artifact Record

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A complete description of all the DPR forms is available online at this address.

The OHP Manual describes the 523H Form as:

The Artifact Record may be used to record information about any specimens observed and/or collected

an archaeological site. Information comparable to that requested on the Artifact Record is required when

any specimens are collected from a site. The Artifact Record is also useful for listing any diagnostic materials

that are noted, but not collected. When used as supporting documentation, the Artifact Record may provide

details that require only summary description in Field A5 (Features) or Field A6 (Cultural Constituents) on

the Archaeological Site Record.


Begin by listing the Primary Number and Trinomial, if known. Then repeat the resource name or

number listed on the Primary Record. Describe where any collected specimens are curated, giving the name

the institution and its address. Provide the artifact/specimen number (field designation or accession

number), type, condition, description (form, material, etc.), dimensions, and provenience. The location of the

specimen may be a collection unit or azimuth and distance from site datum. Show each location on a Sketch

Map and indicate whether the specimen was drawn or photographed and if it was collected.


The 523H form has the following fields:

Header Information - This includes the Primary #, HRI # and the Trinomial # as well as the name of the resource in question. These are pre-populated (if available) from the root resource record.

Type and Description - Enter the number for the artifact. The number should correspond to the sketch map and allow the viewer to visual where the artifact was found. Choose from among the artifact "types" and the "condition". The types and conditions drop down boxes are drawn from a lookup list of types maintained by CHRID admin. Enter a description into large "description" text area.


Appearance and Location - Enter the location, and dimensions of the item. Click on the "browse" button to locate an image you wish to upload into the system. If other images are uploaded into the system for this resource, they will be displayed as thumbnails for you to choose.


Current Disposition of Artifact - If the artifact has been collected from the site, indicate it and disclose where it has been curated.

When you are finished Click "Insert DPR523H Record"