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Focal Record Field

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The DPR forms (and many of the other forms) have a check box when adding or editing that says "Make Focal Record:

When you designate a Form as the "focal record" for the resource, it means that you intend for it to be the most recent or most complete record in the pool of records. For example, if there are 3 523A's filled out for a particular resource, the last one completed might be the "focal" record.  However, if the last one was merely an addendum to one of the previous 523A's and not intended as a complete record, one of the previous forms might remain the "focal" record. The purpose here is to allow a viewer to quickly identify which record in the pool of records is the one that is the best source of information.

When an item is designated as a focal record it appears at the top of the list when viewing a resource record.