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DPR523A - Primary Record Form

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A complete description of all the DPR forms is available online at this address.

OHP declares that the Primary Record Form and Location Map are the minimum requirements for recording a Historic resource. The OHP Manual describes the 523A Form as:

The Primary Record and a Location Map provide the minimum level of information needed to include a

record in the OHP's filing system. The Location Map is optional for buildings located on small parcels of

land in urban areas when an address is provided. This minimum level of documentation is designed to

provide an initial record of all types of historical resources including buildings, structures, objects, sites, and

districts, as well as cultural landscapes (sites) and traditional cultural properties (many of which are

classified as sites).


The main sections of the data entry for 523A are as follows:

Header Information - This section includes data items common to a number of DPR forms including Primary Number (issued by OHP) Trinomial number (issued by OHP), HRI #, HRHP status code (must be numeric) etc.

Notice the checkbox for "make focal record". For each category of forms you may designate one as a "focal record". The focal record should represent the most complete and up to date data on the resource in questions. There may be only one focal record per category of DPR.

P1 - p2 Identification and Location Information - Some of this information will be the same as that of the resource (USGS parameters for example.



P3 - p4 Description and Attributes - The description information is important because it will be included in the keyword search.  The attributes are identified by the codes assigned by OHP (see OHP site for documentation). If you wish to learn see the "friendly description" for any of the cryptic check boxes, simply hover over the box for a few seconds and a tip window will appear.


Sample tip window for HP16


P5 Photo Record - At least 1 photo must accompany the DPR523A form - but you will be able to attach multiple photos to it in edit mode.


P6 - P 11 Historic and Ownership Information



When you have filled in all the information click "next" to continue on to the next form you have chosen - or "finish" if this is your last form (using the wizard).