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National Register

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The National Register form contains the following fields.

Name and Location of Property - Enter the historic name and any other identifying name information for the location and enter specific street information. While the street information is pre-populated from the resource record, you can check wether or not you wish for this nomination form be be a public record or not.


State/Federal Certification - This area is for a state or federal agency official to certify that a property is nominated, ready for review, meets criteria etc. It's not for the evaluator per se - but for the appropriate determining agency.


National Park Service Certification - Indicate the status with regard to the national park register.



Classifications -  The fields in this area exist to help you further qualify your property.


Function or Use - Describe in list for the current and Historic functions of the location.



Thoroughly describe - Describe Architecture and material details and give a full narrative description.


Statement of Significance - Using the guidelines outline the significance of the site and the sites chronology.


Major Bibliographical References - Site documentation and describe sources where the site has been referenced as to it's significance.

Other Information - In this section indicate who prepared the form and indicate ownership information.



When you are finished with the form click "insert" to submit it.