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Section 106 - National Historic Preservation Act

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More information about section 106 can be found on the OHP website at this address.

The Section 106 form has the following fields:

General Information - When you are adding the form the "address and Apn" will be blank. The 106 form takes it's address from the resource record. After the form is added the display (or printed) version of the form will contain the address and APN informaion.


Review Information - Choose the Evaluator and Applicant from the Drop down boxes.


Section 106 Information - Choose the federal Agency (or enter a description in the "other" box) and select from among the listed agreements - or check the box if you are exempt from any of the established agreements because of a program.



Project Description - Use these fields to describe the project. There are check boxes for proposed, existing and co-location. An area for "date built" and descriptive text boxes for indicating the type, area and how the project will affect the building or grounds.



Indicate Existing Conditions - These check boxes allow you to indicate the current condition with regard to broad categories. There is also a large descriptive box to indicate Area of potential effect.


Maps, Drawings and Photos - Use the check boxes to indicate the type of drawings and maps that have been completed and photos that have been taken.


Identification Information - In the next section you indicate the results of your efforts to find historic properties within the area of interest.  If you have searched the Center for records or other resources you should enter the results in the large text boxes. Other check boxes are very specific as to what process you have gone through in your research.



Determination - In this section you explain your finding and make your case clear as to whether or not you believe that historic properties will be affected.


SHPO Comment - This section allows the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) to concur or dispute the determination above.



FCC Co-Location Program - Use the check boxes to indicate which program (if any) applies to this project.

Housing Program - Use the check boxes to indicate which program (if any) applies to this project.


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